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Spondon Park Grammar School

Dated: 1963
Taken by: SC

Year 5

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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/10/2014 - 17:50


Back Row from Left: David? Kennedy, ?,Anthony Waters,?,?, Stewart Band, Jeffrey Shardlow, Neil? Kennedy, ?, ?, Frank Neal, Graham Lee.
Second Row Boys: James Hancocks, Peter Garrett, Peter Leatherbarrow, David Bakewell, ?, ?, John Dixon, Roger Preston.
Front Row. Teacher Mr Jones, Right of Mr Jones Tonnie Ecker.

From Right to Left Front Row
Wendy Kendal, Hilary Machin, Sandra?- post office chaddesden lane end? I remember Tonnie.
Back Row Left to Right Dave Kennedy, . . . .Jeff S . . Alan or Keith? . Lee (Eggy!)
Second Row: . . . . D Bakewell, Bill Sharp(e?) . . . .

Submitted by Stewart Band on Wed, 26/12/2018 - 13:36


Back Row: David George Kennedy, Peter Willis, Anthony Waters, Phillip Rhodes, David Minards, Stewart Band (Bandy), Jeffrey Shardlow (Shas), David Neil Kennedy, Paul Hammond, Allan Hicks (Alma), Frank Neale, Graham Lee (Egg)
Middle Row: Pat Orchard, James Hancocks (Pank), Peter Garratt, Peter Leatherbarrow, David Bakewell, Billy Sharp, Roger Litherland, John Dixon, Roger Preston, Susan Rutter
Bottom Row: Elaine Hutchinson, Janet Cowlishaw, Linda Coles, Rhoda Cartwright, Danuta Raikowska, Gwyn Jones (Form Teacher), Tonnie Ecker, Catherine Gill, Sandra Wheatley, Hilary Machin, Wendy Kendall

Hi Stewart
Thanks for identifying us all. I am David Minards, looking like a complete pratt in that picture, which I was at the time. Funny how the names and faces still sound and look familiar after all these years. It was a good school, no doubt about it, and helped me get started in work in London in 1963; I lived there a long time but now have Thailand retirement visa and a condo in Bangkok. Best wishes to all who are still around. David

Hi Stewart you have a good memory. I remember most but not all.I remember you always seemed to find trouble in class but were never bad.What did you end up doing.I ended up married and living in Berkshire,about 5.5 miles from Ascot.Marriage didn't last for long but I had 3 boys Good memories of school but sad to have lost connections.regards Pat..

Hi Stewart, David and Pat, I came across this photograph when my grandson asked which school I attended. I googled Spondon Park Grammar and discovered all these photographs. I can't understand why I'm not in the photograph, perhaps I was sick that day. I remembered everyone except a couple of the girls but unfortunately I've lost track of everyone. I often saw Jeff Shardlow at the cricket ground up until about 10 years ago, Mr. Jones was a customer of mine until he died about 15 years ago and I renewed my friendship with Alan Hicks when he returned to Derby but he died of bowel cancer in his fifties. I've had two failed marriages but I'm in my 17th year of a successful relationship that doesn't include marriage. I remember you Stewart supported Raith Rovers and your father was an Art lecturer. David , you had a sister called Janice and you invited me to your grandmother's house for a week's holiday in Hartford . Pat, I confess that I had a soft spot for you but was too shy to do anything about it. I retired in my late fifties and I spend my time playing Bridge and going on walking holidays. I'd love to hear from anyone in the photograph, you can contact me on FB, there are just 2 Stephen Caves, me and an American world champion skateboarder.

Hi Stephen Cave, yes I remember that time we went to Hartford for trainspotting. My sister Janice lived in Hartford after leaving Chad. She was a good girl but a heavy smoker, and passed away a few years ago. Something I remember you saying: your uncle was the first man to cycle through the Mersey Tunnel.

I am still in Bangkok, in the bar now. My son from London came over recently. I am not on FB but will ask my Thai girlfriend to look for you on FB.