Spondon Park Grammar School
Glenys Shaw, née Inskip, writes: Attached is the photograph of my class with Miss Woods. We were the first intake to the school after it was built and had to share a school (don't remember the name) down Morley Road, Chaddesden until the Grammar school was ready for habitation. I have very happy memories of the school and I remember most of my teachers - you actually have all of them in a photograph already on your site. I started school at Cherry Tree Hill Infant and Junior schools with well over 40+ children in each 2 classes of my age group. From there I then passed my 11 plus to go to Spondon Park Grammar. I thought that the education system then was very good as some of my friends from Cherry Tree Hill went to Spondon Secondary School but at 13yrs, if they passed the 13 plus exam they could transfer to the Grammar and others, who showed a natural ability at 13yrs could either go to the Technical school or the Art school in Derby. The ones who stayed at the Secondary School were taught many good skills i.e. secretarial etc. along side a regular education. This meant that children's abilities and natural talents were taken into account which made for a well rounded education system rather that the 'one size fits all' system of today. I had an excellent education and my school was a strict but fair experience and I look back at it with many very happy memories.
The School up Morley Road…
The School up Morley Road was Chaddesden Secondary School. I started in 1959. Miss Woods was one of the maths teachers.