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- Borrowash Road
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- Chapel Street
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- Lousie Greaves Lane
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- Three from Oz
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- Various
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- Sports Teams
- British Celanese Intermediate under 18s Team
- British Celanese Lawn Tennis Club
- British Celanese Weaving Team (Open Age)
- Charity Match
- Derby Community Football League
- Fishing
- Soller Cup
- Spondon Athletic Football Club
- Spondon Bowls Club
- Spondon Church Boys Football Club
- Spondon Cricket Club
- Spondon Ladies Football Team
- Spondon Power Station
- Spondon Rangers
- Spondon Rovers Football Club
- Spondon Rovers Juniors Football Club
- Spondon St Werburgh's Church Bible Class Football Team
- Stanley Excelsior F C
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The woman on the right,
The woman on the right, second in on the second row is my grandmother Cercila Thompson and her sister Joyce Write is fourth in same side same line.